about ecell anti-aging technologies

eCell: merging smart technology and wellness, advancing people’s good health.


eCell Anti-Aging Technologies is a progressive wellness company based in health-conscious Barcelona, Spain.

Our mission is to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of people and Mother Earth. For that goal, we have collected the latest cutting-edge health-enhancing and ecosystem-preserving technologies and know-how – STRUCTURED WATER, PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD FREQUENCIES, REPETITIVE TRANSPELVIC MAGNETIC STIMULATION.

Strong support from leading scientists in these respective fields gives us the conviction that together we can make our world a better place and bring to realization, abundant health, longevity, and energy to many.

Join our forces.

eCell love teaming up with professionals in the field of health, wellness and sustainability:

Hospitality and wellness specialists, spas and hotels owners

Trusted medical centers and doctors

Nutritionists, trainers, physiotherapists and chiropractors

Developers of sustainable housing and architects

Farmers and agriculture specialist

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